Dr. Ed's Blog
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What Is It about September?
Welcome to the Dark Side of Your Medical Records
Now, where did I put my glasses?
The Asteroid That Destroyed Healthcare as We Knew It
What Our Prehistoric Ancestors Taught Us about Social Connection (and Why COVID Changed All That)
The Queen's Gambit and COVID: Checkmate
Like Rats in a Cage, Are We Witnessing the Collapse of the Healthcare System?
Do I have to draw you a picture?
Lesson from the Tree Guys: Don't Get Killed
Real People, Not Just a Number
Not the Spam You Think
It's Not 'Game Over' with This Deadly Pandemic
Troubled Times Call for a Declaration of Independence
The Plague That Won't Go Away
To Mask or Not to Mask? That Is the Question
The Main Thing Is the Main Thing
Pandemic 2.0: Two shots, ready to go, right?
Life after COVID (Spoiler alert: not much different) but Medical Care Is Changed Forever
COVID-19 and 'All Creatures Great and Small'
The Road to Normalcy Took a Gravel Road